
Custom Solutions

Lead Management Tools
Our lead management process is designed to generate new business revenue, increase visibility, and improve the general attitudes of your potential customers for future marketing efforts and business development. We use a myriad of marketing technologies, but we typically follow the steps of generation, capture, filtering, grading, distribution, contact, nurturing, then ultimately resulting in a new business sale.

Customer Service Support
The customer always comes first. We provide the tools and support you need to keep yours satisfied. Whether it's assisting with customer support calls or online chats, scheduling lunch and learns, or managing rebate and award fulfillment, Brandner is never afraid to roll up our sleeves and do whatever it takes to keep your customers smiling.

Trade Show Coordination
No matter the size or location of the event (including virtual trade shows), you can look to Brandner. Our experience includes designing, building, installation, staffing, setting up media appointments, and producing promotional materials.

Branding &
Strategic Planning


Public Relations
& Communications

Video & Webinar


& Research