
Education & Research

Education Creation/Coordination
We are in a class all our own when it comes to educating various audiences about our clients' products and services. We develop and implement online modules for AIA Continuing Education – including administration, scheduling and logistics for in-person presentations and reporting to AIA (average 800/year with over 12,500 attendees). We develop innovative platforms, training tools and videos to educate architects and builders through a variety of accredited continuing education series.

We use multiple tools to measure our marketing efforts, including working with national media channels, creating specific trade and consumer response mechanisms, and focus group research. Our AnswerFishâ„¢ survey program delivers online surveys, distribution, and results assessment. Through this tool, we can evaluate potential product names, print ad responses, website preferences, and various other topics. We also use non-proprietary tracking such as Google analytics, email tracking, ad performance, PR effectiveness and website/SEO performance.

Branding &
Strategic Planning


Public Relations
& Communications

Video & Webinar


& Research